With ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD SCRIPTURES, 9th Edition you will encounter the most notable and instructive sacred texts from major world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. You'll also examine scriptures from new religious movements including Baha'i, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Christian Science Church, and the Unification Church. You'll study scriptural readings in context, see how each religion is actually practiced today, as well as be introduced to its history, teachings, organization, ethics, and rituals. To help you understand the readings, you'll find introductions, study questions, glossaries, extensive footnotes explaining more challenging parts of the readings, scriptural charts, and suggestions for further reading.
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1. SCRIPTURE AMONG THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS. A Brief History of Scripture Scholarship. The Definition of Scripture. The Uses of Scripture. Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Religions through Their Scriptures. World Scriptures and Modern Scholarship. Scriptures and the World Wide Web. The Plan of This Book. Suggestions on How to Read Scriptures. Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. 2. HINDUISM. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use. Historical Origin and Development. TEACHING. Aditi and the Birth of the Gods (Rig-Veda 10.72). Two Philosophical Views of Creation (Rig-Veda 10.129; Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad 1.4.1�7). The God Indra (Rig-Veda 2.12). Rudra and Shiva (Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3.1�13). That You Are" (Chandogya Upanishad 6.1�2, 9�11). Hindu Rejection of Buddhism and Jainism (Vishnu Purana 3.18). ETHICS. Sin and Forgiveness (Rig-Veda 7.86). The Three Da's (Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad 5.2). The Way of Knowledge (Mundaka Upanishad 2.1�13). Stages of Life for a Twice-Born Man (Laws of Manu 2.69�74, 191�201; 19; 6.1�9, 33�49). The Life of Women (Laws of Manu 3.55�60; 5.147�165). ORGANIZATION. Creation and the Caste System (Rig-Veda 10.90.1�14). The Duties of the Four Castes (Institutes of Vishnu 2�1.17). The Outcastes (Laws of Manu 10.51�57). RITUAL AND MEDITATION. The Gayatri Mantra (Rig-Veda 3.62.10). Sacrifice to Agni in the Vedas and Brahmanas (Rig-Veda 1.1; Agni-Brahmana 1.1�19). Soma (Rig-Veda 8.48). Marriage (Rig-Veda 10.85.20�47). Cremation (Rig-Veda 10.16). Charms and Spells (Atharva-Veda 6.20; 7.70; 6.9; 3.16). Chanting of Om (Chandogya Upanishad 1.1.1�10). The Practice of Yoga (Shvetashvatara Upanishad 2.8�15). SELECTIONS FROM THE BHAGAVAD-GITA. TWO TAMIL POETS, APPAR AND TUKARAM. Appar: "Confession of Sin", "The Presence of God". Tukaram: "Waiting", "The Burden of the Past". Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. 3. BUDDHISM. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use. Historical Origin and Development. HISTORY. The Past Lives of Siddhartha Gotama (Jataka 190). The Life of Siddhartha Gotama (Acts of the Buddha, selections). The Death of Gotama Buddha (Book of the Great Decease 6.1�12, 33�35, 45�48). TEACHING. The Four Noble Truths (Sutra on Turning the Wheel of the Law 1�8). The Noble Eightfold Path (Sutra on Turning the Wheel of the Law 9�20). The Skandhas and the Chain of Causation (Acts of the Buddha 16.1, 28�48). The Essence of Mahayana Buddhism (Sutra on the Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom). A Mahayana View of the Buddha (Lotus Sutra of the True Teaching 2.36; 10.1). The Blessings of the Pure Land (Array of the Joyous Land Sutra). ETHICS. Conduct of the Monk (Path of Teaching 25, 360�382). Admonition to Laity (Sutra for Dammika 18�27). Parable of the Burning House (Lotus Sutra 3). ORGANIZATION. Founding of the Monastic Order (Large Group of Sutras 1.6.10, 11�16, 27�30, 32, 34, 37). Founding of the Order of Nuns (Small Group of Sutras 10.1.1�6). The Rules of Defeat for Monks and Nuns (Teaching on Rules of Defeat 1�4). Rules Requiring Formal Meetings of Monks (Teaching on Rules Requiring Meetings of the Monks 1�13). RITUAL. The Relics of the Buddha (Book of the Great Decease 6.58�60). Mindfulness in Meditation (Sutra on the Establishment of Mindfulness 10.1�9). A Mahayana View of the Merit of Making Images (Taisho Revised Tripitaka 16.694). Tibetan Scripture to Guide the Soul after Death (Tibetan Book of the Dead 1.1�2). A Collection of Tibetan Magical Formulas (Rituals of the Goddess Kurukulla 3.76). A Zen Koan, "What Is Extraordinary?" (The Blue Cliff Record 26). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. 4. JAINISM. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Historical Origin and Development, and Contemporary Use. HISTORY. The Life of Mahavira (Acaranga Sutra 2.15.6�9, 14, 16�20, 22�25, 27). TEACHING. The Causes of Sin (Acaranga Sutra 1.1�2). The Road to Final Deliverance (Uttaradhyayana Sutra 28). ETHICS. Ahimsa (Kritanga Sutra 1.7.1�9). Rules for Monastic Life (Uttaradhyayana Sutra 35). ORGANIZATION. The Five Great Vows (Acaranga Sutra 2.15.1�4). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Premium Website. 5. SIKHISM. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use. Historical Origin and Development. TEACHING. Selections from the Japji (Japji 1�3, 5�6, 9, 15, 17�18, 20�22, Epilogue). Remembering God (Gauri Sukhmani, Mahala 5). Dancing for Krishna (Rag Gurji, Mahala 3). The Hindu Thread (Asa Ki Var, Mahala 1). ETHICS. Prayer for Forgiveness (Rag Bihagra, Mahala 5). Against the Use of Wine (Rag Bihagra, Mahala 1). ORGANIZATION. The Guru (Rag Gauri, Mahala 3). God's Power in the Sikh Community (Rag Gauri, Mahala 5). RITUAL. Hymn for the Installation of the Guru Granth (Rag Devgandhari, Mahala 5). A Marriage Hymn (Rag Asa, Mahala 5). SELECTIONS FROM THE DASAM GRANTH. Guru Gobind Singh's Story (Dasam Granth, Vichitar Natak 6). God as the Holy Sword (Dasam Granth, Vichitar Natak 6). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. 6. CONFUCIANISM. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use. Historical Origin and Development. HISTORY. The Character of Confucius (Analects 2.4; 7.1�9, 19�24; 10.1�3, 8�12). TEACHING. The Way (Analects 16.2). The Goodness of Human Nature (Mencius 6.1.1�4, 6). ETHICS. The Virtues of the Superior Man (Analects 1.1�4, 6�9, 14; 15.17�23). The Five Relationships (Classic of Rites 20.8�9). Benevolence (Analects 4.1�6). The Actions and Attitudes of Filiality (Classic of Rites 10.1, 4, 7, 10�11, 13�15; Analects 2.5�7; 4.18�21; 13.18). Propriety (Analects 3.3�4, 8, 12�14, 17�19). The Love of Learning (Analects 17.8�9). The Mandate of Heaven (Classic of History 4.1�4). The Basis of Good Government (Great Learning 1, 3�7; 9.1, 3�5). Confidence and Prosperity in Government (Mencius 4.3, 9; 1.6.20�24). RITUAL. Divination (Classic of Changes 1, 47, 54). Songs for Sacrifice (Classic of Poetry, Gau 7; Minor Odes 10.1, 3; Minor Odes 5). Music and Morality (Classic of Rites 17.2.10�11, 15�16, 18). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. 7. DAOISM. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use, Historical Origin, and Development. TEACHING. The Nature of the Dao (Daode Jing 1, 6, 25, 34; Zhuangzi 29). The World (Daode Jing 7, 42, 52). The Relationship of Daoism to Confucianism (Baopuzi 7.5a). ETHICS. Effortless Action (Zhuangzi 7). Individual Life in Harmony with the Dao (Daode Jing 16, 22, 33, 44). The Superior Man (Zhuangzi 12). Government (Daode Jing 3, 18, 57, 64). On Death (Zhuangzi 18). Reward and Retribution (Taishang Gan Ying Pian 1). A Visit to Hell (Taishang Gan Ying Pian, Appendix). RITUAL. Methods of Prolonging Life (Baopuzi 15.6b�7a; 19.6b�7a). The Origins of Feng Shui (Zang Shu 1.1�4, 7�25, 30�43). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. 8. SHINTO. Introduction. SELECTIONS FROM THE KOJIKI. Preface to the Kojiki. The Creation of Japan (Kojiki 1�5, 33). The Story of Emperor Yuryaku and the Woman Akawi-ko (Kojiki 154). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. 9. ZOROASTRIANISM. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use. Historical Origin and Development. HISTORY. The Call of Zarathushtra (Yasna 29). A Hymn of Praise to Zarathushtra (Yasht 24:87b�94). TEACHING AND ETHICS. Hymn to Ahura and the Purifying Fire (Yasna 36). Hymn to Ahura Mazda the Creator (Yasna 37:1�5). The Choice between Good and Evil (Yasna 30). Judgment of the Soul on Chinvat Bridge (Menok I Khrat 2.110�195). RITUAL. The Place of the Gathas (Yasna 55:1�3). The Zoroastrian Confession (Yasna 12). The Four Great Prayers (From the Yasna). Disposal of the Dead (Vendidad, Fargard 6.5, 44�51). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. 10. JUDAISM. Introduction. Names. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use. Historical Origin and Development. HISTORY. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 12:1�9). The Call of Moses (Exodus 3:1�20). Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14:1�31). The Covenant with Israel (Exodus 19:1�8). Ezra's Enforcement of Torah Observance (Ezra 9:1�7, 13�15; 10:1�12). TEACHING. The Oneness of God (Deuteronomy 6:1�9). God's Creation of the World (Genesis 1:1�31; 2:1�9, 15�25). The Revolt of Humanity (Genesis 3:1�24). Prayer for Divine Deliverance (Psalm 5). The Messianic King (Isaiah 11:1�9). The Final Judgment of the World (Daniel 7:1�14). Resurrection of the Dead (Daniel 12:1�3). ETHICS. The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1�14). Laws on Slaves, Violence, and Property (Exodus 21:1�36; 22:15�26). Justice for All (Exodus 23:1�9). Holy War (Deuteronomy 20:1�20). Sexual Love (Song of Songs 1:1�2:17). God's Call to an Unfaithful People (Amos 4:1�13). Two Views of Wisdom (Proverbs 1:1�9, 20�33; Ecclesiastes 1:1�9). The Virtuous Wife (Proverbs 31:10�31). ORGANIZATION. Sacrifice and the Ordination of Priests (Exodus 29:1�37). A Call to Be a Prophet (Isaiah 6:1�13). Women as Rulers and Prophets (Judges 4:4�10, 12�16; 2 Kings 22:11�20). RITUAL. The Establishment of Circumcision (Genesis 17:9�14, 23�27). The Establishment of the Passover (Exodus 12:1�19, 24�27). The Observance of the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12�17). The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:1�5, 11�19, 29�34). Kosher and Non-Kosher Foods (Leviticus 11:1�31, 41�45). SELECTIONS FROM RABBINIC LITERATURE. The Chain of Rabbinic Tradition: "The Sayings of the Fathers" (Mishnah, Sayings of the Fathers 1.1�18). The Three-Fold Cord of Life (Tosefta, Sanctification 1:13�17). An Example of Rabbinic Debate: The Duty to Marry and Have Children (Babylonian Talmud, Sisters-in-Law 61b�63). KABBALAH MYSTICISM: THE ZOHAR. Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. 11. CHRISTIANITY. Introduction. Names. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use. Historical Origin and Development. HISTORY. The Birth of Jesus the Messiah (Matthew 1:18�25). Jesus' Miracles (Luke 8:26�56). The Arrest, Trial, and Death of Jesus (Mark 14:43�50, 53�65; 15:1�41). The Resurrection of Jesus (Mark 16:1�8). The Ascension of Jesus (Acts of the Apostles 1:6�11). The Coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts of the Apostles 2:1�21). The Call/Conversion of the Apostle Paul (Acts of the Apostles 9:1�19). The Council at Jerusalem (Acts of the Apostles 15:1�21). TEACHING. The Parables of Jesus (Mark 4:1�34). The Divine Word Became Human (John 1:1�18). Nicodemus Visits Jesus (John 3:1�21). A Sinful Woman Forgiven (Luke 7:36�50). Results of Justification (Romans 5:1�11). The End of Time (Matthew 25:31�46; Revelation 20:1�21:4). ETHICS. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1�7:14, 24�29). Paul's Directions Concerning Marriage (1 Corinthians 7:1�16, 25�40). Love (1 Corinthians 13:1�13). Ethics in the Christian Household (Ephesians 5:21�6:9). Two Views on Christians and the Roman State (Romans 13:1�10; Revelation 17:1�18:5). ORGANIZATION. The Twelve Apostles and Their Mission (Matthew 10:1�15). Matthew's Church Order (Matthew 18:1�10, 15�22). Peter as the Rock (Matthew 16:13�20). Early and Late Pauline Teaching on Church Leadership (Romans 16:1�6; 1Timothy 3:1�13). Contrasting Views on Women in the Early Church (Luke 10:38�42; 1 Corinthians 11:2�16; Galatians 3:25�28; 1Timothy 2:8�15). RITUAL. Baptism (Matthew 28:16�20; Romans 6:1�14). The Eucharist (Matthew 26:17�19, 26�29; John 6:25�40, 52�59). Confession and Anointing (James 5:13�18). EARLY NONCANONICAL JESUS TRADITION: SELECTIONS FROM THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS. Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. 12. ISLAM. Introduction. Name. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use. Historical Origin and Development. HISTORY. The Call of Muhammad (Qur'an 96:1�19; 53:1�18). The Mission of Muhammad (Qur'an 11:1�16; 93). Opposition to Muhammad (Qur'an 52:30�49; 63). The Night Journey (Qur'an 17:1�2). The Flight to Medina (Qur'an 9:40). The Wives of Muhammad (Qur'an 33:28�33, 37�40, 48�49). The Death of Muhammad (Qur'an 21:34�36). TEACHING. God's Absolute Oneness (Qur'an 6:100�103; 112). God's Names (Qur'an 59:22�24). Predestination (Qur'an 42:8�13; 7:177�179). Jinn (Qur'an 72:1�15). Creation (Qur'an 15:16�48). Adam, Eve, and the Fall (Qur'an 2:29�37). The Holy Qur'an (Qur'an 42:50�53; 46:1�13; 2:87�91). On Unbelievers, Jews, and Christians (Qur'an 9:1�7; 3:38�50; 2:111�121, 132�137). Resurrection and Judgment (Qur'an 75:1�15; 69:14�35). Heaven and Hell (Qur'an 76:1�22; 56:1�39; 77:1�39). ETHICS. The Conduct of Believers (Qur'an 17:23�38). Women (Qur'an 4:19�22, 34�39; 2:220�223, 227�233). Against Evil Magic (Qur'an 113; 114). The Different Dimensions of Struggle (Jihad) (Qur'an 6:16, 19�20; 48:11�21; 2:190�194, 216�218). Law Codes (Qur'an 4:1�10). RITUAL. The Opening of the Qur'an (Qur'an 1). Confession of Faith (Qur'an 57:1�7; 37:32�39). Prayer (Qur'an 2:142�149). Alms (Qur'an 107; 9:53�60). The Fast (Qur'an 2:183�186). Pilgrimage (Qur'an 2:125�129, 196�199). The Mosque (Qur'an 24:36�38; 9:15�18). SELECTIONS FROM THE HADITH. SELECTIONS FROM THE SHARIA. Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. 13. NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS. Introduction. Names. Overview of Structure. Contemporary Use. Historical Origins and Development. THE SCRIPTURE OF BAHA'I. History: The Essence of Baha'i Teaching and the Life of Baha'u'llah (Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day Is Come, Preface). Teaching: Baha'i, Islam, and Christianity (The Bab, Qayyumu'l-Asma, 1, 61�62). Ethics: Baha'i Laws (Baha'u'llah, Kitab-I-Aqdas, 1�2, 12�14, 16, 30�34, 45, 49, 56, 63�65, 149�150, 189). Ritual: Baha'i Prayers (Short Obligatory Prayer, Medium Obligatory Prayer, Prayer for America). THE SCRIPTURE OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. History: Joseph Smith's Story (Pearl of Great Price, "Joseph Smith�History 1" 1�22, 25�35, 40�47, 51�54, 59�62, 67�74). History: The First Description of the Book of Mormon (Book of Mormon, original title page). History: Preparations for the Trek to Utah (Doctrine and Covenants 136.1�11, 17�24, 30�42). Teaching: The Coming of Jesus Christ in 34 C.E. to the New World (Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 11.1�41). Teaching: Destruction of the Nephites and Burial of the Golden Plates (Book of Mormon, Mormon 6:1�3, 6�11, 16�22). Teaching: The Essence of Latter-day Saints' Doctrine (Pearl of Great Price, "Articles of Faith" 1�13). Organization: Church Pronouncements on Plural Marriage and on Men of African Descent (Doctrine and Covenants, "Official Declarations" 1, 2). THE SCRIPTURE OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. History: Introduction to the Work of Mary Baker Eddy (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Preface). Teaching: The Essence of Christian Science (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "Recapitulation"). Teaching: Prayer and Its Role in Healing (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "Prayer"). Teaching: Interpretation of Genesis 1 (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "Genesis"). Ritual: Two Testimonials to Healing (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "Fruitage"). THE SCRIPTURE OF THE UNIFICATION CHURCH. Teaching: The Purpose of the Creation of the Universe (Divine Principle Teaching: Spiritual and Physical Falls of Adam and Eve (Divine Principle�2). Teaching: Restoration of Humanity (Divine Principle 1.3, Introduction). Teaching: Salvation Through the Second Messiah, the True Parent (Divine Principle 2, Introduction). Teaching: The Second Messiah as a Korean (Divine Principle 2.6, Introduction;�3). THE SCRIPTURE OF FALUN GONG. Teaching: Main Characteristics of the Falun Gong Movement (Zhuan Falun, Lecture 1, Conclusion). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. INDEX."
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Biographical note

Dr. Robert E. Van Voorst is Professor of New Testament Studies at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, and former professor of religion at Lycoming College in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, where he was named Teacher of the Year in 1995. He has served as a visiting professor in Oxford University and Zhejiang University in China. Van Voorst has written frequently on religious studies in noted journals and reference works. In addition, he has authored numerous books, including six with Cengage Learning: RELG: WORLD, 3rd Edition; READINGS IN CHRISTIANITY, 3rd Edition; ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD SCRIPTURES, 9th Edition; ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD SCRIPTURES: EASTERN RELIGIONS; ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD SCRIPTURES: WESTERN RELIGIONS; and READING THE NEW TESTAMENT TODAY, now also in a Chinese version. Other books by Van Voorst include BUILDING YOUR NEW TESTAMENT GREEK VOCABULARY, 3rd Edition; THE ASCENTS OF JAMES, a recovery and commentary on a second-century Jewish-Christian document; and JESUS OUTSIDE THE NEW TESTAMENT, an examination of traditions about Jesus in ancient classical and Jewish documents, now also in Italian.