"A joyous book." San Francisco Chronicle "Inventive and affectionate." -- Lise Funderburg New York Times Book Review "This nicely designed book offers a collection of essays and subject specific maps anyone who loves San Francisco will enjoy poring over." -- Bob Walch Bookloons.com "Brilliantly disorients our native sense of place." -- Jonathon Keats San Francisco Magazine "This is an amazing and thought-provoking book." Geist "A richly textured graphic book that no electronic format can master yet, Infinite City features Rebecca Solnit as cultural and historical tour guide through the city she calls home." -- Bridget Kinsella Shelf Awareness "A fresh and intriguing spin on mapmaking." -- Elizabeth Ryan Utne "A thrilling new book." -- Nicole Gluckstern San Francisco Bay Guardian "A gorgeously produced collection of maps and essays." -- Nikil Saval Los Angeles Review Of Books "Breathtakingly original." San Francisco Bay Guardian "A treasure of intricate, intimate maps." -- Adam Hartzell SF360 "A gorgeously published book ... After you have finished savoring this book, which deserves to be read slowly and thoughtfully, you feel like you have been living for decades in San Francisco." -- Murray Browne The Book Shopper "Gorgeous and infinitely fascinating ... A treasure," -- Sherry Wright Kissing the Eart