"The editors have assembled a remarkable team of artists, geographers and thinkers...The maps themselves are things of beauty...This is a work that, like its predecessors, isn't in the business of rosy nostalgia...Nonstop Metropolis is a document of its time, of our time." -- Sadie Stein New York Times "In orienting oneself in this atlas...one is invited to fathom the many New Yorks hidden from history's eye...thoroughly terrific." -- Maria Popova Brain Pickings "Rebecca Solnit and Joshua Jelly-Schapiro's collection achieves the trifold purpose that all good cartography does - it's beautiful, it inspires real thought about civic planning, and, most of all, it's functional." The Village Voice "Nonstop Metropolis is an engaging and enlightening read for anyone who loves New York City, creative scholarship, and top-notch graphic design." Foreword Reviews "...the New York installment [of the Atlas Trilogy] is eccentric and inspiring, a nimble work of social history told through colorful maps and corresponding essays. Together, Solnit, Jelly-Schapiro and a host of contributors - writers, artists, cartographers and data-crunchers - have come up with dozens of exciting new ways to think about the five boroughs." San Francisco Chronicle "...the book...contains many beautiful and not-so-beautiful images that document New York's past and the present, and make tangible the social and cultural diversity of this extraordinary place." Times Literary Supplement "The sum of it all is, like New York itself, overwhelming, alluring and dazzlingly diverse." Jewish Daily Forward "26 maps of New York that prioritize bachata over Broadway, pho over pizza." Wired.com One of Publishers Weekly's 20 Big Indie Books of 2016 Publishers Weekly