This is a textbook on research and research methods, intended for use in courses on teacher training and special needs education, the social sciences, and health and social studies. The book explores the theory of research and probes ethical perspectives and statistics in depth, covering all the major areas within research methodology. The author believes in encouraging the creative aspects within research, and leads the reader through the initial research concept and rational formulation of the problem, on to the presentation of the research paper. The author also discusses methods of meeting requisite quality standards, both ethical and methodical, and demonstrates the close links between research and social issues and values. This book deals with research in its encounter with the natural and social sciences, although its main focus is on the empirical-quantitative method. Key principles governing statistical measurement and perspective in statistics are explored in the book.s Statistics section, illustrated with a liberal supply of concrete examples. Edvard Befring is dr. philos. and professor at the Institute of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo in Norway. He once held a professorship at the University of Århus in Denmark and has served as Dean of the Norwegian College of Special Needs Education. Dr. Befring has published a number of books and research papers (in English as well as Norwegian), and is much in demand as a lecturer, researcher and research advisor, both at home and abroad.
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Dette er ei grunnleggjande bok om forsking og forskingsmetode, berekna på studentar innanfor pedagogikk og spesialpedagogikk, samfunnsvitskap, helse- og sosialfag. Boka omhandlar både vitskapsteori, etiske perspektiv og statistikk slik at ho dekkjer alle hovudområde av metodelæra. Boka tar for seg forsking i skjeringsfeltet mellom natur- og humanvitskap, men hovudvekta er lagt på empirisk-kvantitativ metode. I statistikkdelen blir dei viktigaste prinsippa for statistiske mål og samanhengar gjennomgått, heile tida med referanse til konkrete eksempel. Har register og litteraturliste.
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