This unique collection of readings maps out the concepts sociologists use to understand the foundations of society -- families, economy and labour, education, health, and health care. This engaging and thought provoking book weaves together feminist, class-conscious, and anti-racist approaches to the study of Introductory Sociology. "Rethinking Society" balances classical theoretical approaches in sociology -- Durkheim, Marx, and Mills -- with contemporary approaches found in the work of Dorothy Smith and Michel Foucault, for example. Following this exemplary grounding, Rethinking Society then introduces the foundations of society -- socialisation, social interaction, and culture -- as well as the major social institutions of the family, the economy, and labour. Crime, moral regulation, and social justice are presented in a progressive light while population, globalisation, and the New World Order complete this well-rounded introduction to Canadian sociology.
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Maps out the concepts sociologists use to understand the foundations of society - families, economy and labour, education, health, and health care. This book covers feminist, class-conscious, and anti-racist approaches to the study of Introductory Sociology.
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What Is a Social Fact?; Manifesto of the Communist Party; The Promise: The Sociological Imagination; Women's Perspective as a Radical Critique of Sociology; Panopticism: Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison; Revisiting Gramsci; The Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender in the Anti-racism Discourse; Sexism in Research: Non-sexist Research Methods: A Practical Guide; Becoming an Anti-oppressive Researcher; Where in the World Do Children Learn "Bloody Revenge"?: Cults of Terror and Counter-terror and Their Implications for Child Socialisation; Preserving a Vital and Valued Self in the Face of AIDS; Pretty in Ink: Conformity, Resistance, and Negotiation in Women's Tattooing; Making the Lives of Transsexual People Visible: Addressing the Politics of Social Erasure; Purchasing the Canadian Teenage Identity: ICTS, American Media, and Brand-Name Consumption; The Way We Weren't: The Myth and Reality of the Traditional" Family; Family Responsibilities: The Politics of Love and Care; Will & Grace: Negotiating (Gay) Marriage on Prime-Time Television; Serving the McCustomer: Fast Food Is Not about Food; The Discarded Factory: Degraded Production in the Age of the Superbrand; Enchanting McUniversity: Toward a Spectacularly Irrational University Quotidian; Keeping the Ivory Tower White: Discourses of Racial Domination; Gender, Race, and Health Inequalities; The Growth in Poverty and Social Inequality: Losing Faith in Social Justice; Introduction to New Slavery: A Reference Handbook; Class and Power: The Major Themes; The Many Faces of Gender Inequality; Gender and Power: Society, the Person, and Sexual Politics; Gender Trouble; Skater Girlhood and Emphasised Femininity: "You Can't Land an Ollie Properly in Heels"; Emerging Realities and Old Problems; "Canadian" as an Ethnic Category: Implications for Multiculturalism and National Unity; Heroes or Villains?; and Stereotyping as a Signifying Practice; Health Care in an Ageing Society: Issues, Controversies, and Challenges for the Future; The Trouble with Normal: Post-war Youth and the Making of Heterosexuality; Gays and Lesbians of the First Nations; Beyond Image Content: Examining Transsexuals' Access to the Media; National Security as Moral Regulation: Making the Normal and the Deviant in the Security Campaigns against Gay Men and Lesbians; Legal Responses to Violence against Women in Canada; "The Pecker Detectors Are Back": Regulation of the Family Form in Ontario Welfare Policy; Population: Delusion and Reality; The Clash of Ignorance.
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Canadian Scholars
820 gr
215 mm
280 mm
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Biographical note

Michelle Webber is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Brock University. Kate Bezanson is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Brock University.