Erik Hesselberg (1914-1972), Kon-Tikis navigator, was a colourful man who had many a good story to tell about his adventurous life at sea and as an artist. «I know a joyful painter. He is a big, hefty chap who can play the guitar and is full of fun. I know him from boyhood days and have had his company on many a walk with .sleeping bags in the mountains at home...» writes Thor Heyerdahl Erik, being Thor's childhood friend and having obtained a navigator's licence, was an obvious choice for the Kon-Tiki expedition. After the Kon-Tiki voyage he built himself a seafaring vessel «Tiki» and left for the Mediterranean Sea where he lived for many years. Here he painted and wrote. Here he composed his own guitar music and songs. Here he met many of the well-known artists such as Tati, Simenon, Cousteau and Picasso and began a long collaboration with his artist friend Carl Nesjar. «When I read through Erik's book, as a fellow member of the Kon-Tiki expedition, I relive the entire expedition where the events emerge in a lively an humorous form which will undoubtedly appeal to both adults and children. Erik's .drawings speak louder than words.» Knut M. Haugland, radio operator Kon-Tiki «The American philosopher Henry D. Thoreau said that if a man went at a different pace to his companions it could be because he heard a different drummer. Erik went at a slightly different pace from others. The Kon-Tiki voyage suited him perfectly. He had plenty of time to play his guitar and sing, compose songs, draw and carve wooden sculptures. Erik had many talents. He was an outstanding watercolourist and .artist - and he was exceptional «raconteur» - storyteller. «Kon-Tiki and I» radiates a warmth seldom matched by other travel tales» Carl Nesjar, artist The book became popular worldwide and has been translated into more than 15 languages.
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Forfatteren var Kon-Tikis navigatør og Thor Heyerdals barndomsvenn. Her forteller han sin egen historie om reisen fra Kirkebakken Borre til de polynesiske øyene.


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