Precarity has become a buzzword in academia as well as among activists. This collection of essays examining precarity as both a condition of marginality and a basis for activism among urban migrants in China, migrant pensioners and unemployed youth in Sweden and Spain, refugees in Germany, irregular and regular migrants in Southern Europe, Turkey, Russia, the US, and South Africa.
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A study of precarity as both a condition and a mobilizing force for resistance in migrant communities across the globe
List of Figures About the Authors Preface 1. From ‘Social Exclusion’ to ‘Precarity’. The Becoming Migrant of Labour. An Introduction Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Martin Bak Jørgensen 2. A Geneology of Precarity: A Toolbox for Rearticulating Fragmented Social Realities in and out of the Workplace Maribel Casas-Cortés 3. The Precariat strikes back – precarity struggles in practice Martin Bak Jørgensen 4. The Precariat: A View from the South Ronaldo Munck 5. Turkey’s new precariat: Differentiated vulnerability and new alliances Nazli Senses 6. Multiplex migration and axes of precarization: Swedish retirement migrants to Spain and their service providers Anna Gavanas and Ines Calzada 7. Employment in crisis: Cyprus and the extension of precarity Gregoris Ioannou 8. Regulating Illegal Work in China: Immigration Law and Precarious Migrant Status Mimi Zou 9. Running into nowhere: Educational migration in Beijing and the conundrum of social and existential mobility Susanne Bregnbæk 10. Necropolitics and the Migrant as a Political Subject of Disgust: The Precarious Everyday of Russia’s Labour Migrants John Round and Irina Kuznetsova-Morenko 11. Mobile commons and/in precarious spaces: Mapping migrant struggles and social resistance Nicos Trimikliniotis, Dimitris Parsanoglou & Vassilis Tsianos 12. The Working Class and the city as Political Platform in New York Peter Schultz Jørgensen 13. Under the Rainbow: Precarity and People Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa Carl-Ulrik Schierup Index
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Features in Critical Sociology Promotion targeting progressive Sociological Journals Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author's speaking engagements
Modern Capitalism began the 21st Century seemingly victorious as the dominant social and economic organizing principle in the world. Rampant re- and de-regulation accompanied a wholesale attack on social, economic and political gains of the prior century under the guise of increasing competitiveness and the need to respond to the forces of globalization. The end of the cold war, the decline of the former Soviet Union, and the increasing foothold of capitalism in China all point to an unchallenged reorientation of the global political economy to reflect this ascendence of capitalist social relations. The peer-reviewed Studies in Critical Social Science book series, through the publication of original manuscripts and edited volumes, offers insights into the current reality by exploring the content and consequence of power relationships under capitalism, by considering the spaces of opposition and resistance to these changes that have been defining our new age.
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Haymarket Books
232 mm
152 mm
G, 01
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Biographical note

Carl-Ulrik Schierup is Professor in Ethnic Studies at Linköping University Sweden, and director of the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. He co-edited Migration, Precarity and Global Governance: Challenges and Opportunities for Labour (Oxford University Press, 2015). Martin Bak Jørgensen, Ph.D. (2009) Aalborg University, is Associate Professor at Department for Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, Denmark. He co-edited the book Solidarity Without Borders: Gramscian perspectives on migration and civil society alliances (Pluto Press, 2016).