Chapter 17. Reconstruction, 1863-1877 17-1 Charlotte Forten, Life on the Sea Islands, 1864 17-2 Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, 1865 17-3 The Freedmen's Bureau Bill, 1865 17-4 Black Code of Mississippi, 1865 17-5 Frederick Douglass, Speech to the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1865 17-6 The Civil Rights Act of 1866 17-7 President Johnson's Veto of the Civil Rights Act, 1866 17-8 The First Reconstruction Act, 1867 17-9 Organization and Principles of the Ku Klux Klan, 1868 17-10 Blanche K. Bruce, Speech in the Senate, 1876 17-11 A Sharecrop Contract, 1882 Chapter 18. Conquest and Survival: Communities in the Trans-Mississippi, 1860-1900 18-1 The Oklahoma Land Rush, 1889 18-2 The Homestead Act, 1862 18-3 Helen Hunt Jackson, The Thrill of Western Railroading, 1878 18-4 Bill Haywood, Miners and Cowboys, 1887 18-5 Red Cloud, Speech at Cooper Union, New York, 1870 18-6 Helen Hunt Jackson, A Century of Dishonor, 1881 18-7 The Dawes General Allotment (Severalty) Act, 1887 18-8 D. W. C. Duncan, How Allotment Impoverishes the Indian, 1906 18-9 Charles and Nellie Wooster, Letters from the Frontier, 1872 18-10 John Wesley Powell, Report on the Arid Lands of the West, 1879 Chapter 19. The Incorporation of America, 1860-1900 19-1 Paul Bourget, The Traffic in Meat, 1894 19-2 Andrew Carnegie, Wealth, 1889 19-3 John Morrison, Testimony of a Machinist, 1883 19-4 Terence V. Powderly, The Knights of Labor, 1889 19-5 Samuel Gompers, Testimony on Labor Unions, 1883 19-6 Lee Chew, Experiences of a Chinese Immigrant, 1903 19-7 John Hill, Testimony on Southern Texile Industry, 1883 19-8 Thorstein Veblen, Conspicuous Consumption, 1899 19-9 M. Carey Thomas, Higher Education for Women, 1901 19-10 B. F. Keith, The Vogue of Vaudeville, 1898 Chapter 20. Commonwealth and Empire, 1870s-1900s 20-1 Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, 1888 20-2 E. L. Godkin, A Great National Disgrace, 1877 20-3 Roscoe Conkling, Defense of the Spoils System, 1877 20-4 Populist Party Platform, 1892 20-5 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, The Solitude of Self, 1890 20-6 Pullman Strikers' Statement, 1894 20-7 Alfred T. Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power, 1895 20-8 Frederick Jackson Turner, The Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 20-9 Theodore Roosevelt, The Strenuous Life, 1899 20-10 George F. Hoar, Against Imperialism, 1902 Chapter 21. Urban America and the Progressive Era, 1900-1920 21-1 Jane Addams, The Subjective Necessity of Social Settlements, 1892 21-2 George Washington Plunkitt; Honest Graft, 1905 21-3 Louis Brandeis, The Living Law, 1916 21-4 Margaret Sanger, The Case for Birth Control, 1917 21-5 Booker T. Washington, The Atlanta Exposition Address, 1895 21-6 Ida B. Wells, A Red Record, 1895 21-7 The Niagara Movement, Declaration of Principles, 1905 21-8 Declaration of the Conservation Conference, 1908 21-9 Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom, 1913 Chapter 22. World War I, 1914-1918 22-1 The President's Commission at Bisbee, 1917 22-2 Theodore Roosevelt, Corollary to The Monroe Doctrine, 1904 22-3 Woodrow Wilson, War Message to Congress, 1917 22-4 George Norris, Against Entry into War, 1917 22-5 George Creel, How We Advertised America, 1920 22-6 Diary of an Unknown Aviator, 1918 22-7 Anna Howard Shaw, Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense, 1917 22-8 Eugene v. Debs, Statement to the Court, 1918 22-9 Letters from the Great Migration, 1916-1917 22-10 Woodrow Wilson, The Fourteen Points, 1918 Chapter 23. The Twenties, 1921-1929 23-1 Motion Picture Diaries 23-2 Herbert Hoover, American Individualism, 1922 23-3 Bruce Barton, Jesus Christ as Businessman, 1925 23-4 Eleanor Wembridge, Petting and Necking, 1925 23-5 Paul Morand, Speakeasies in New York, 1929 23-6 U.S. Congress, Debating Immigration Restriction, 1921 23-7 Hiram Evans, The Klan's Fight for Americanism, 1926 23-8 Charles S. Johnson, The City Negro, 1925 23-9 Sinclair Lewis, Our Ideal Citizen, 1922 Chapter 24. The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939 24-1 Bob Stinson, Flint Sit-Down Strike, 1936 24-2 Meridel Le Sueur, Women on the Breadlines, 1932 24-3 Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address, 1933 24-4 Huey Long, Share Our Wealth, 1935 24-5 National Labor Relations Act, 1935 24-6 U.S. Senate, Investigation of Strikebreaking, 1939 24-7 Republican Party Platform, 1936 24-8 Carey Mc Williams, Okies in California, 1939 24-9 Hiram Sherman, The Federal Theater Project, 1936 Chapter 25. World War II, 1930s-1945 25-1 Bernice Brode, Tales of Los Alamos, 1943 25-2 Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Four Freedoms, 1941 25-3 Burton K. Wheeler, Radio Address on Lend-Lease, 1941 25-4 Ernie Pyle, The Toughest Beachhead in the World, 1944 25-5 R. L. Duffus, A City that Forges Thunderbolts, 1943 25-6 Virginia Snow Wilkinson, From Housewife to Shipfitter, 1943 25-7 Earl B. Dickerson, The Fair Employment Practices Committee, 1941-43 25-8 Barbara Wooddall and Charles Taylor, Letters to and from the Front, 1941-1944 25-9 Korematsu v. United States, 1944 Chapter 26. The Cold War, 1945-1952 26-1 Clark Clifford, Memorandum to President Truman, 1946 26-2 Henry Wallace, Letter to President Truman, 1946 26-3 The Truman Doctrine, 1947 26-4 The Truman Loyalty Order, 1947 26-5 American Medical Association, Campaign against Compulsory Health Insurance, 194926-6 Ronald Reagan and Albert Maltz, Testimony before HUAC, 1947 26-7 Joseph McCarthy, Speech at Wheeling, West Virginia, 1950 26-8 The Advertising Council, The Miracle of America, 1948 26-9 NSC-68, 1950 Chapter 27. America at Midcentury, 1952-1963 27-1 The Teenage Comumer, 1959 27-2 Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address, 1961 27-3 John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, 1961 27-4 Newton Minow, Address to the NationalAssociation of Broadcasters, 1961 27-5 John K. Galbreath, The Affluent Society, 1958 27-6 Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, 1962 27-7 Jack Kerouac, On the Road, 1957 27-8 Betty Friedan, The Problem That Has No Name, 1963 27-9 Jerry Lee Lewis and Sam Phillips Discuss "Great Balls of Fire," 1957 27-10 John F. Kennedy, Speech at American University, 1963 Chapter 28. Civil Rights and the Great Society, 1945-1966 28-1 Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, The Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955 28-2 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 28-3 Southern Manifesto on Integration, 1956 28-4 Julian Bond, Sit-ins and the Origins of SNCC, 1960 28-5 Martin Luther King, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 1963 28-6 Fannie Lou Hamer, Voting Rights in Mississippi 1962-1964 28-7 Letters from Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964 28-8 Casey Hadon and Mary King, Sex and Caste, 1965 28-9 The Civil Rights Act, 1964 28-10 Michael Harrington, The Other America, 1962 Chapter 29. War Abroad, War at Home, 1965-1974 29-1 Students for a Democratic Society, The Port Huron Statement, 1962 29-2 Lyndon B. Johnson, The Great Society, 1964 29-3 Lyndon B. Johnson, Why We Are in Vietnam, 1965 29-4 Stokely Carmichael, Black Power, 1966 29-5 Martin Luther King, Jr., Conscience and the Vietnam War, 1967 29-6 Report of the National Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders, 1968 29-7 Robin Morgan, Radical Feminism, 1975 29-8 Spiro Agnew, The Dangers of Constant Carnival, 1969 29-9 John Kerry, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 1971 29-10 Roe v. Wade, 1973 29-11 Articles of Impeachment against Richard M. Nixon, 1974 Chapter 30. The Over-Extended Society, 1974-1980 30-1 Town Meeting, Middletown, Pennsylvania, 1979 30-2 William Julius Wilson, The Urban Underclass, 1980 30-3 Affirmative Action in Atlanta, 1974 30-4 Lois Gibbs, Love Canal 1978 30-5 Jimmy Carter, The Crisis of Conscience, 1979 30-6 Presidential Press Conference, 1979 30-7 Richard Viguerie, Why the New Right Is Winning 1981 Chapter 31. The Conservative Ascendancy, 1980-1992 31-1 Jesse Jackson, Common Ground, 1988 31-2 Cecelia Rosa Avila, Third Generation Mexican American, 1988 31-3 Howard Rheingold, Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier, 1993 31-4 America Enters a New Century with Terror, 2001
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