In sheer numbers, no form of government control comes close to the police stop. Each year, twelve percent of drivers in the United States are stopped by the police, and the figure is almost double among racial minorities. Police stops are among the most frequently criticized incidences of racial profiling, but while studies have shown that minorities are pulled over at higher rates, none have examined how police stops came to be encouraged and institutionalized. Pulled Over deftly traces the strange history of the investigatory police stop. The authors show that who is stopped and how they are treated convey powerful messages about citizenship and racial disparity in the United States. For African Americans, investigatory stops erode the perceived legitimacy of police stops and of the police generally, leading to decreased trust in the police and less willingness to solicit police assistance. This holds true even when police are courteous throughout the encounters and follow seemingly color-blind institutional protocols. In a country that celebrates racial equality, investigatory stops have a deleterious effect on minority communities that merits serious reconsideration. Pulled Over offers practical recommendations on how reforms can protect the rights of citizens and still effectively combat crime.
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In sheer numbers, no form of government control comes close to the police stop. Police stops are among the most frequently criticized incidences of racial profiling, and studies have shown that minorities are pulled over at higher rates. This book traces the strange history of the investigatory police stop.
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"Pulled Over succeeds in providing convincing evidence-the most exhaustive to date-demonstrating how pernicious racism can be at an institutional level without anyone specifically intending that result and with the intention perhaps running in the opposite direction. The book should be of interest to everyone concerned about the way American institutions perpetuate racism." (Doris Marie Provine, Arizona State University)"
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University of Chicago Press
567 gr
24 mm
15 mm
2 mm
UU, UP, 05
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Antall sider

Biographical note

Charles R. Epp is professor in the School of Public Affairs and Administration at the University of Kansas. He is the author of several books, including Making Rights Real. Steven Maynard-Moody is professor in the School of Public Affairs and Administration at the University of Kansas, where he is also director of the Institute for Policy and Social Research. Donald P. Haider-Markel is professor of political science at the University of Kansas.