Originally published in 1992 this was a much-needed book that shows how important it is to establish a therapeutic alliance with the parents of severely disturbed young people in order to improve the success of counseling with them. It also explores methods of how to ease the difficulties encountered in establishing such a relationship with the parents or guardians. In this title, the insights of psychoanalysis are used to understand reactions to parents and to develop an empathic approach to them through a new theoretical framework. Although in the popular view, a psychoanalytic approach is considered to be opposed to parents, this volume is testimony to the unique contribution such an approach can make to the support of parents and, thereby, their children. A major and unique emphasis of Severely Disturbed Youngsters is placed on exploring the feelings, reactions, and sensitivities of the therapist that can interfere with this important aspect of treatment. The thrust of the book is to put the understanding of this interference in a theoretical context and to indicate ways of coping with the interference.
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Originally published in 1992 this was a much-needed book that shows how important it is to establish a therapeutic alliance with the parents of severely disturbed young people in order to improve the success of counseling with them.
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Introduction Jacquelyn Seevak Sanders and Barry L. Childress 1. The Yogi and the Commissar: Integrating Individual and Family Approaches in the Treatment of Narcissistic Children and Adolescents Efrain Bleiberg 2. Thinking About Parents and Rescuing Children Barry L. Childress 3. Countertransference Reactions in Death and Divorce: Comparison and Contrast Benjamin Garber 4. Countertransference Problems in Dealing with Severely Disturbed Parents: Their Potential Value for Understanding the Patient M. Barrie Richmond 5. Everything to Help, Nothing to Hinder: Grandiosity, Ambivalence, and Boundaries in the Parent-School Alliance Daniel Frank
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453 gr
234 mm
156 mm
U, P, 05, 06
Product language
Product format
Antall sider

Biographical note

Jacquelyn Sanders, Barry Childress