Yoshi’s Big Swim chronicles the impressive true story of Yoshi, a loggerhead turtle who was rescued by fishermen, then rehabilitated and cared for by scientists for many years. The scientists adored her, and Yoshi was happy in her aquarium home. But then, many years later, Yoshi let them know that it was time for her to move on. Would Yoshi be safe? Would she know what to do? After lots of preparation, and plenty of friendly back scratches for Yoshi, the determined loggerhead set off on her journey. Discover an amazing story celebrating teamwork, science and an animal hero who swam more than 22,000 miles to her true home, the longest journey of any animal ever tracked. In addition to being awe-inspiring, Yoshi's story underlines the importance of wildlife conservation and the power of one animal to unite people around the world for a common cause.
Les mer
Yoshi held worldwide attention and was tracked by thousands of fans during her 22,000-mile journey;


203 mm
254 mm
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Biographical note

Mary Wagley Copp graduated from Smith College and earned a masters in public health from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Her career has been primarily focused on strengthening social justice organizations—both as a management consultant and an executive director. She has also taught IB Psychology in Ecuador and set up health fairs in Appalachia. Mary spent several years in the filmmaking world. For one documentary, Mary and her team followed a family as they journeyed from an Ethiopian refugee camp to their new home in Providence, Rhode Island. This award-winning film and the people it featured set the stage for her debut picture book, Wherever I Go. Her nonfiction picture book Yoshi’s Big Swim was inspired by an article about Yoshi’s rehabilitation in the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, South Africa, her bittersweet release after 17 years, and her incredible journey to her natal beach. Although not nearly as accomplished a swimmer as Yoshi, Mary also loves open water swimming. She has swum across Narraganset Bay, the mouth of Buzzards Bay, and often across the Westport River in Massachusetts. Her love of open water swimming reaffirms her commitment to clean and healthy waters for all who love and inhabit the oceans. As well as writing for children, Mary teaches ESL to newcomers in her area. She lives in Westport, Massachusetts, with her husband, Allyn. They have three grown children.