Managing Health and Wellbeing in the Public Sector A Guide to Best Practice Cooper Cary L. Innbundet / 2017 / Engelsk
Managing Health and Wellbeing in the Public Sector A Guide to Best Practice Cooper Cary L. Heftet / 2017 / Engelsk
Healthy Workforce Enhancing Wellbeing and Productivity in the Workers of the Future Bevan Stephen Heftet / 2021 / Engelsk
Organizational Development in the UK and USA A Joint Evaluation Cooper Cary L. Heftet / 1977 / Engelsk
Leadership and Management in the 21st Century Business Challenges of the Future Cooper Cary L. Innbundet / 2004 / Engelsk
SAGE Handbook of Organizational Behavior Volume One: Micro Approaches Barling Julian Innbundet / 2008 / Engelsk